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Thoughts & Inspiration

What I’m Learning!!

Hello, friends! I hope you’re enjoying your day. While being in Georgia it’s been hard to document what CGA looks like as most of what we do happens in the classroom. Have you ever heard the metaphor “drinking from a fire hose?” That’s what it’s been like around here. We receive so much every single day and somedays it’s really had to process all that happens during one day of class. After having some time out of the classroom for our activation trip and some days off for holiday, I’ve been able to see more clearly what I’ve been processing in my brain. I want to share some of those things with you. I’ll expand on a couple at the bottom.


  1. perfection is an unrealistic goal.
  2. failure is inevitable. by running from failure, we fail.
  3. what we run from controls us. (i expand on this below)
  4. the fear of missing out on life was causing me to miss out on life.
  5. strength of the mind is developed within silence and solitude.
  6. one decision will not ruin my life.
  7. sadness isn’t negative and it definitely doesn’t dishonor God or take away from the authenticity of faith.
  8. if we don’t ask, we’ll never get what we want.
  9. the process of growth is okay and good. we don’t need to rush it.
  10. you can set your own standard.
  11. i’m a seven on the enneagram. lol.
  12. we get to want things and we get to dream.
  13. when we’re most alive, He is most glorified.
  14. if we just listen to people we’ll hear their cry of what they need, what their heart break for, and what they love.
  15. ask good questions. if you think you ask good one’s, ask even better one’s.
  16. the pure in heart really do see God.
  17. Kingdom is alive beneath the surface.
  18. people are a whole lot better than we make them out to be.
  19. our breath literally mimics Yahweh. (i expand on this below)
  20. we don’t want uniformity. we want unity.
  21. imagination just might be our greatest tool.
  22. the world is what you make it out to be. (i expand on this below)
  23. i don’t have to have it all together to do something.


“what we run from controls us” –  When we run from something, our attention is fixed on getting away from it, therefore actually leaving us enslaved to it. Fixing our attention on where we want to go will liberate us. For example, when I said “the fear of missing out on life was causing me to miss out on life”, it’s because most decisions I made was run through that filter. Even with something as simple as where I want to eat. “I’m down for chipotle, also down for chick-fil-a. Chipotle sounds better, but chick-fil-a is cheaper. I really want chipotle though. But what if what i really want is a chicken sandwich. Omg guac sounds so good though” my mind looks something like this x100. You see, instead of running to life, I ran from missing out on it, therefore missing out on it. Do you see what I mean?


“our breath literally mimics Yahweh” – Yahweh is a Hebrew name for God. In Hebrew it’s spelled without the vowels so it looks like “YH-WH”. Take a few deep breaths. When you breathe in do you hear the YH? Breathe out. Do you hear the WH? Pretty cool, isn’t it? I encourage you to take a few moments each day and focus on that.


“the world is what you make it out to be” – Whatever world we have created in our heads is the lens in which we will see the world in front of our eyes through. It’s the reality in which we live and it will inform every decision we make. This goes into why I think imagination just might be the greatest tool we have. What shapes how you think?


There ya have it pals. If you to know about anything else I’ve learned, just ask! I’d love to answer.


Also! Tomorrow, I will be posting a blog about our activation trip that we had last week!!




Friends, I need your help on getting the last $2,592 before CGA is over. That’s in 22 days! Please consider donating any amount. $5 or $100 or even just the amount of what you pay on your daily coffee. The “donate” button is right at the top of this or you can Venmo me. My username is “@Alyssa-Hammett.” 


Thanks for reading & supporting me guys! It actually really means a lot to me!


– Lyss